My original SEO blog has been around since 2007, so I thought I’d resurrect it. It has SEO information I learned back then, and when reviewing it today it is surprising to find how much …
Category: Web Industry Blog
Other websites that I find appealing, or can learn from in some capacity.
Choosing Keywords
I began researching keywords for my introduction to my blog. Not quite as easy as I had hoped, I think because the of my topic. SEO techniques as a keyword is already quite popular with …
Building Website Popularity
I’ve come to realize that building popularity of your website is similar to how you cultivate your friends. There are some relationships you enjoy and there are some that you avoid. Relationships you enjoy you …
Dreamweaver Microformats Extension
I’m working on a list of resources for the resources page. I tried out the Dreamweaver microformats extension. The first thing I tried to do in Dreamweaver was select some text and click the XFN …
I was reading Manny’s Blog and found a nice website about SEO by Chris Pearson. Pearson explains a couple of things you can do to increase traffic to your website. I really like his idea …
Long-Tail Theory
So now you’ve carefully chosen your keywords and you have placed them in your content. Keywords appear in your titles and also in your URLs. Expect to see a rise to the top? Not so …
What are Keywords?
Keywords are words that describe your site. Keywords have to be carefully chosen to represent your site. No longer can web designers depend on metadata to describe the site. Search Engines have become sophisticated enough …
I am testing a trackback. If I understand it correctly, I refer to Susan’s blog here, and her blog recognizes that I have talked about her post, and refers back to my blog (?). She …
Technorati and Microformats
I claimed my blog at Technorati then I had a look around to see what the heck it really is. Spiders! Everywhere! It’s an index of blogs that get crawled by spiders for content, and …
SEO To-Do List
I have learned much about how to create findable websites from my professor Aarron Walter at the Art Institute of Atlanta. There is so much content on the subject of SEO, that I decided to …