Tired of being tracked online? There are other search engines other than Google. Try DuckDuckGo, or any of these search engines in this article.
Searched for my name on each engine, here are the search results. Looking for my name to be #1 result, or at least on the 1st page, on 8/14/2020:
- google no
- bing yes
- yahoo yes
- duckduckgo yes
- starpage no, page2
- qwant yes
- swisscows yes page1
- searchencrypt, yes
- onesearch, yes
- givewater, not private warning
- ekoru, page isn’t working
- ecosia, yes
- youtube, ok, 22subs 45 vids
- unsplash, no (photos)
- slideshare, no
- creativecommons, no
- listennotes, no
- gyphy, no
- wiki, no