Web Industry Blog

Correct Full Screen Sliders

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Aren’t we tired of seeing the same cookie cutter sliders on every website? I believe the trend is to steer away from sliders. They are routinely installed without any thought to their purpose, no thought to why we are including them other than habit.

Then I saw this web site example from Slack, and how they are utilizing the slider in a full screen fashion. I have to admit, I liked it. The slider is used as a marketing message delivery system on the home page. The full width design centers the users concentration and delivers impact by removing all of the other clutter typically jammed into a home page. It is clear, concise, and effective at delivering exactly the intended message.

Let’s also applaud the placement of the signup button. It is at the top coupled with their mission statement. There is no doubt what you are supposed to do here and why you are doing it. The company must have fantastic conversion rates with this type of UI placement.

This example proves that when used correctly, a slider can be a beneficial marketing tool that focuses the user’s attention to help drive conversion rates.

This example proves that when used correctly, a slider can be a beneficial marketing tool that focuses the user's attention to help drive conversion rates.