Here is a utility navigation at the top of a page. I consider it a “quick launch” type of navigation, very similar to the traditional Windows system tray in the lower right hand corner of the Windows operating system. I have become very used to this type of system tray that utilizes tiny icons with no text. I think it was even called the “quick launch tray” at one time or another (or still is called that?).
It’s called a “quick launch” for a reason. Click once and it takes you to the expected location or expected action. This quick launch tray is the first piece of functionality in the history of the Windows operating system (that I can remember) that acclimated users to the 1-click action (instead of double click). Again, contributing to the quickness of it because you don’t even have to take the time to double click. Mac users speak up here, I’m sure there is related quick launch functionality in your operating system too?
This example shows a quick launch style bar, when clicked, presents the user with the equivalent of an additional drop-down menu which feels to me completely counter intuitive. The action of quick launch should take the user immediately to the intended destination, yet this example makes the user choose AGAIN from another menu. HOW is this quick? HOW is this action any different than the main navigation bar? Shouldn’t the quick launch buttons have consistent behavior among themselves in the bar? AND shouldn’t it behave differently than the main navigation bar? Shouldn’t it behave the same as the standard industry convention, that is, behave like we expect quick launch buttons to behave?
Why did this happen? It happens because we are not keeping an eye on the larger IA picture. This happens because we don’t know where else to put these menu choices. This happens because we pick the easy way out and group like items together, regardless of whether it belongs there or not. I challenge us as interface designers to be better than this.
I think the answer here is to remove the “Help” from the main navigation and have the quick launch button launch immediately into a contextual help screen. Once the user is presented with contextual help screen, then offer additional help choices such as the FAQ’s or opening a support ticket. Is there a better way? I think a study into how other reputable sites present help menus is needed.
Is there ever a reason to put drop-downs in a utility-style navigation bar? Have you seen this before? Have you done this before, and what is your reasoning? Can anyone show me examples where this behavior is acceptable?