Special considerations have to be made when dealing with Flash sites The very first question is do you actually need a Flash site? Flash sites are not indexed by search engines, so the site is virtually unnoticed. Google is the exception, there are cases where Google has looked into Flash and can read and index the links according to Matt Cutts, Software Engineer at Google (searchenginewatch.com). The only other known search engine rumored to index Flash is all the web. Gregory Markel, Founder of Infuse Creative, gives some advice on the subject. He said to “think movies, not sites”. Use the flash movie to deliver great content, but keep it in the html page. I like the advice from Scott Gilbertson to. He wrote an article on Webmonkey. You may very likely be serving data to your site from a database anyway, so use PHP to detect what is looking at your site. If its a browser, then bet its a person and serve it your Flash site. If its a spider, serve it up some raw data that spiders like (yummmm spider food!!)