Developers Diary

Knockout – Javascript Framework

I decided to learn Knockout as my first Javascript framework because the Pluralsight tutorial I started said Knockout has a less learning curve (than Ember).  Since this is my first Javascript framework, I decided Knockout was a better choice for me right now.

I started with the Knockout tutorial and cataloged the lessons to act as crutches for my own attempts to code later:

Now I am using PHP to query MySQL database, put the results in JSON, pass it over to knockout.  At the end of the weekend, I left off at:

  • Able to query database in PHP
  • Put results in Json
  • Pass it to knockout
  • Display 1 row of results on screen.

I have something wrong with the way the query loops through the results and puts it in a container because I am only getting 1 row.

This blog post is to help me remember where I left off. 6/22/14.