Sandy's Website Work

Egg Cartons

Featured Post Image - Egg Cartons

I wanted an inexpensive way to put Mom’s Eggs brand onto the egg cartons. The artwork for the prototype carton was printed from my home printer, cut out with scissors, and glued onto egg cartons.

Prototypes from top to bottom: Spray painted yellow and sunburst cutout, plain paper printing, presentation glossy printing, and inside the lid.

The objective was to see if it was cost effective to do these in quantity. To reserve the ink in my home printer, I would take the artwork to a place like Kinkos or Office Depot. A color copy costs about $.15 per page, so for $15 I could get Mom 100 cartons that would reinforce the branding. I just have to cut & glue them on. I’ve never been afraid of a little work, anyway.

One of the cartons I tried spray painting, but without primer it didn’t cover and was just too messy and too much work. I had to do it anyway, just to see what it looked like.

To more localize the product and give it a more home-grown feeling, I featured one of the hens on the front, with her profile information on the inside of the carton.

I showed it to Mom, I think she really liked it.